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Immense Power of Wearing Tulsi Beads Around The Neck


Tulsi a devotional herb.

Tulsi is a wonderful herbal plant that is commonly available in India, it has many medicinal properties to heal the mind and body of a human being. In India, Tulsi is the most sacred plant that is worshipped with the utmost devotion. The plant of Tulsi is believed to be the incarnation of the Divine power itself. The Tulsi Mala is made of stem wood or the seeds of Tulsi and this is mainly used for chanting god's name and worship to help the mind in concentrating during meditation and prayers.


It is said that Tulsi Mala has incredible spiritual and physical healing powers that can bring a soul to the path of mukthi. Usually, the tulsi mala consists of  108+1 beads that are wound around a strong metal string or strong thread, with a 109th bead called the Sumeru bead is also added and this can be any other material like a crystal or any other normal bead. During meditation or chanting of god names, one must start counting the beads from the bead adjacent to the Sumeru bead of the Tulsi Mala and completes one full round. In the second round, the Tulsi Mala needs to be counted in the reverse direction again as the Sumeru bead should not be crossed while praying. Tulsi plant is available in different varieties and colours depending on the type of the Tulsi plant, the colour of the mala is available in various colours like black, brown or sandalwood colour.

Sri Krishna will grant the fruit of being the resident of Dwarka immediately to those who wear Tulsi beads around the neck.


Benefits of wearing Tulsi mala or using it for chanting god names 

Tulsi is a form of divine power and has many medicinal benefits that have been scientifically proven.

The benefits of the leaves of Tulsi are well proven to heal and cure many problems. by its spiritual and physical healing powers,

 The touch of the Tulsi wood acts as a rejuvenator for the stressed mind and brings the soul of an individual close to God.

Wearing a Tulsi Mala brings good luck and fortune to the wearer. 

Wearing a tulsi mala balances the doshas called the Kapha and the Vata dosha. 

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